Sunday, May 31, 2009

How to apply a 13-year-old song to your current life

The recent link, explained.

My life at this juncture is suspended in constant motion. The overwhelming amounts of work to be done hasn't piled up yet, but it's come close to that in the past week. The greatest fortune for me is that I love the work itself, even if it feels slightly less humane in the cubicle and button-down spectacle. Dejame ver que hay para saborear esta vuelta.

The proximity to power, in its many battling forms, really does have an effect on the outlook of life. Loco de pensar que se disputa el poder y la gloria. Sanity long considered overrated, the struggle, and again I pause to consider the adequate uses of such word, is elsewhere. This world, in its most prudent management, is designed to make us feel comfortable despite our human condition, as battles over influence, resources, and rights rage around us. Cuanta verdad, cuanta mentira y cuantas palabras, y todo este motor para devastar tu inconciente.

In that sense, I know the target audience. If nothing more, I grew up in the middle of the road. The pavement, lighting, and landscape were different. But I was right where I could call myself average, with my only slight (or perhaps most meaningful trait) was that I belonged to a religious minority. Coming to discover that the most grandiose way to tackle big issues was to speak about small matters has been ironic at best, and perhaps heart-wrenching. Esta ironía con qué se cura, si el final es en donde partí.

The symptoms are familiar. Si, esta noche no puedo dormir. And the intrinsic solutions, too.

Because with rapid intellectual advancement, and despite garnering more confidence about the mission at hand, the capabilities needed, the fast-approaching results, and the way that it all connects within the societal experiment and the individual experience, reason does not seem destined to win in all counts. El corazón, tiene razones que la propia razón nunca entenderá.

And so I carry with trepidation because I cannot understand the entirety of this moment. Nor do I understand why the direction has shifted. A year ago, I contemplated an abandonment not only from the political system, but also from certain relevant interpersonal institutions. And now I am faced with an odd moment that can be very tragic. Y a donde voy , siempre voy a buscar lo que es mío. Yet a door remains open for surprising developments.

The person at the other end of this conversation is also asking this type of question in a self-managed conversation. At some point, maybe there will be courage for a dialogue. No llores más, dáme la mano contáme tu suerte...

The lesson is to give songs (or poems, or ideas, or proverbs) a chance, even if they never made much sense to you before, or only make sense to you after.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Palabras que se disputan el poder y la gloria

Y en que lugar, habrá consuelo para mi locura,
esta ironía con qué se cura
si el final es en donde partí.
Y a quién llamar a quién golpearle la puerta tan tarde,
con quien hablar cuando no hay nadie,
si esta noche no puedo dormir.

Dejame ver que hay para saborear esta vuelta,
la verdad, la mentira y la mueca de tu ingenuidad.
Cuantas palabras que se disputan el poder y la gloria
y cuantas vidas se pierden en el frío de un reino mortal.
Loco de pensar queriendo entrar en razón y el corazón,
tiene razones que la propia razón nunca entenderá

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Una vida teórica

El enamoramiento es una ilusión que poco tiene que ver con el amor; es justamente su ausencia. - Cordera