Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Unforgettable night and busy morning during my last hours in 555 Kelton 101. I played all my sad songs, and none received a positive review.

Today, I spent the morning loading my stuff up to Ivan's car, then drove to CPO for a free meal. It seems I might have taken the vanpool program for granted, and they may not have room for me.

The infamous bed went unsold. It sat by the 4-arm tree as I drove away, festering the sidewalk. /stupid joke.

Today, Fabulosos Cadillacs returned to stage. I am going to go to a concert on that tour. I'll let you know where (Mexico City, L.A., Buenos Aires?)

To fit all the occassions, I spent the afternoon listening to their happy songs.

1 comment:

Faby said...

Kelton will not be the same without you.